Blog Posts

  • 7 Important Questions to ask during Bible Study

    I know there are many ways to study the Bible. When reading Scripture context is of the utmost importance! So, when I study the Word, I like to read through (usually) one book at a time with one chapter per day. This allows me to see the contexts of Scriptures instead of pulling verses and… Read more

  • How to Play Capture the Flag to Help Your Students Review

    In my ELA class, I want to get my students up and moving when possible! We read and write a LOT. So when it’s time to get up and moving, they absolutley LOVE it! Here’s how I set this up in my Classroom BEFORE YOU BEGIN:  Print the flag slides.  If you have access to… Read more

  • How to Create a Rest Cycle in a Busy World

    Rest is a concept that I struggle with.  The Enemy knows my Martha heart and makes every effort to pressure me to run faster and do more.  As a goal setter and a go-getter, the temptation to run a the world’s pace instead of the Lord’s pace is always before me. As I’ve spent time… Read more

  • What’s Saving My Sanity Right Now (October Edition)

    What’s saving my sanity right now (October Edition) Autumn always seems to be a crazy time of year for us.  We’re back in to the school routine, but we’re in the full swing of fall sports, balancing homework and practices, essays and projects.  So, I wanted to share a few things with you I’ve found… Read more

  • How to Create a Morning Action Plan

    How to Create a Morning Action Plan

    Hey Beautiful Giant Slayer, Do you dread your mornings? Are you overwhelmed and exhausted before the day even gets started? Do you secretly wonder how many cups of coffee you can get away with drinking before others start to notice something’s wrong? I know this feeling of dread that can come along with rising early.… Read more