7 Important Questions to ask during Bible Study

I know there are many ways to study the Bible. When reading Scripture context is of the utmost importance! So, when I study the Word, I like to read through (usually) one book at a time with one chapter per day. This allows me to see the contexts of Scriptures instead of pulling verses and making them fit what I want them to say.

While it is wonderful to read topical studies and learn from others, I have found in my spiritual journey, the best way to grow in the Word is to really be in the word. So, I want to help you learn to use this journaling method too.

But, if you’re not sure where/how to start annotating (taking notes) and journaling with Scripture, then I’ve got you!

The Seven Questions

In my Bible study journals, I encourage others to ponder these questions:

  1. Can I summarize this passage?
  2. What do I learn about God and who He says He is in this passage?
  3. What connections to other Scriptures do I see?
  4. How can I use what I’m learning today to serve others?
  5. What questions do I have?
  6. What blessings/promises are for me in this passage?
  7. What thoughts/actions do I need to change?

Other Journaling Ideas

It’s important to create intentional time with the Creator. I would encourage you to write out:

  1. A few praises/blessings that you’re grateful for
  2. Prayers or prayer requests
  3. Affirmations from scripture that you can speak over your life to remind you of Whose child you are and the promises He holds over you.

Every year in the month of December I host a private Facebook group to read through the book of Luke and share the life of Jesus. I would love to have you join us for this!

Please email or reach out if you have any questions. I would love to connect with you.

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