What’s Saving My Sanity Right Now (October Edition)

What’s saving my sanity right now (October Edition)

Autumn always seems to be a crazy time of year for us.  We’re back in to the school routine, but we’re in the full swing of fall sports, balancing homework and practices, essays and projects.  So, I wanted to share a few things with you I’ve found are helping me to save my sanity in this season.

So, here’s what is saving my sanity right now: October Edition.

Grace + Goals

While this might sound like a paradox, I need grace.  We all need grace.  It’s a crazy, busy season in our lives right now.  So, while I might want to push hard to challenge myself, I know that I must give myself grace when I fall short.

Setting Christ-centered goals is helping me save my sanity right now because it gives me a way to challenge my mind, my body, and my spirit.  We need goals to help us remember that we are created for a purpose: to do His good works which we were appointed to do (Ephesians 2:10).  

So, I’m finding right now a season of stretching beyond my comfort zone, but giving myself grace when I can’t stretch quite as far as I want to go.

Sunday Meal Prep: Batch Meal Cooking

I have changed the way I meal prep on Sundays, and it has been a game changer in this busy season.  My friend Heather mentioned how she and her husband cook all their meals on Sunday together.  

For years I’ve meal planned on the weekend for the week.  I would look at the week days and our evening events and plan to double cook some nights so that way we did leftovers the next night.  

Well, as I looked at the calendar a few weeks ago, I realized that we really have no free evenings during this season.  So, a few weeks ago (after the conversation with Heather), I realized I could cook the protein on Sunday for Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday–like three different meals at once.  

Then, on Wednesdays I could do a crockpot meal because I have after school training until 5pm.  Thursdays usually consist of leftovers if we have football games, or I can cook another protein for Thursdays and Fridays this evening.  

So, while most people might meal prep by making the same meal for several days in a row, I’ve found I could cook various proteins, add some steamed veggies or a salad and we are good to go.  

So, in this season batch cooking our protein for the week on Sundays is saving my sanity.

Planning my Outfits on Sunday

Hear me out:  I am not a fashionista.  My wardrobe is mostly second-hand. But, I need to dress professionally.  I’m little-like 5ft. Kind of little.  I teach freshman English, and I need to set myself up to look professional.  I promise that the kids treat me on another level of respect when I show up looking nice instead of dressed down.  

In the mornings, I don’t want to stand in my closet wanting to wear something, but it not look good together or fit the way I need it to.  I don’t have time to change my outfit multiple times. I have a tight schedule in the mornings. 

So here’s how I overcome this:

In my planner, I write out what I plan to wear on Sundays.  I decide once, write it down, try it on if I need, then hang it at the front of my closet.  I do put a back-up outfit in the mix-you know just in case I am not in the mood for what I picked out on Sunday.  

I also put my workout clothes in order in my closet for Monday through Friday.  Again, I don’t have time to be searching for my sports bra or workout clothes in the mornings.  This leads in indecision and delay.  Before I know it, I’ve talked myself out of exercise.  

Choosing a book of the Bible to read from start to finish

Right now in my Giant Slayer wellness group, we are reading through 1 Samuel.  One chapter daily.  October has 31 days-1 Samuel has 31 chapters.  This makes it so easy to work through my morning routine.  No decision fatigue.  I can open up my Bible, my Bible study journal, and sit down and begin while I drink my coffee.  

Committing to a workout program that’s already planned for me

Again, like these other things saving my sanity, keeps me from decision fatigue.  I’ve chosen this month to complete a round of 21-Day Fix real time.  It’s only five days/week which gives me some flexibility in my schedule to do a long walk on the weekends or to ride my bike.  It also gives me some room that if I am just too exhausted on a weekday morning, I could do yoga instead and push one of these more challenging workouts to the weekend when I’ve caught up on rest.  

I’ve also chosen this program because I am familiar with the trainer and the workouts.  This helps me stay set up for success because I’m not trying to learn something new in a crazy-busy season that could easily overwhelm me.  

Batch planning my workflow

This is different than creating daily rhythms.  I still need to follow a morning routine and  a nightly routine. I need to do one load of laundry each day instead of “batch working” the clothes. 

I told you I teach freshman English.  I also write for my blog, tote my kiddos to practices, games, and outings.  I run a wellness group with other women.  I cook.  I clean.  I play with my plants.  Basically, I do all the life things.  Batch planning my workflows helps me keep rhythms and puts time in place for rest as well.  

  • I will plan one-three weeks of lessons at one time.  
  • I do the graphics for my wellness group all at once.  
  • I write encouragement for my wellness group at one time for the month.  
  • I plan on Sundays: meals, clothes, workouts, etc.  
  • I batch cook on Sundays (see above).  
  • I batch plan my monthly calendar for events, etc.  

You get the idea. The point is this:  create space in your schedule to batch plan and work.  That can be done weekly or monthly.  More than likely, you’ll need both.

Keeping a few specific areas clutter free in our house

Seriously, ya’ll.  We are in a crazy, busy season.  We have a chore chart that I would love for us to stay on track and follow.  But, the truth of the matter is right now in this season, that has become a challenge.  

However, keeping a few specific areas clutter free in our house is saving my sanity right now.  

The Living Room

Our living room is the first thing we see when we come in the door.  Walking into clutter just brings crazy stress to me when I walk in the door.  I can’t relax with clutter all around in the living room.  We pick this up daily.

The Kitchen

Part of my nightly routine is to wash the dishes, put away if they are dry before bed, sweep the floors, and to bag up/take out the trash.  This way when I wake up, the kitchen is clean and tidy and ready to go.

The Bedroom

When I keep the bedroom clutter free, then I know I have a space that I can go to where I can rest my mind and my body.  I feel this is one area that no matter how crazy life gets, I have a refuge.  I may not be able to control all the other spaces in the house because other people use those, but this is one area that I have no excuse not to keep tidy.

I make the bed when I wake up.  Laundry gets taken to the laundry room daily.  Everything has its place.  And to be honest, I just feel accomplished and peaceful when I know I’ve got a place to walk in to that feels cozy, put together, and free of clutter.

The Wrap Up

Seriously, ya’ll. Life is busy. We’re not meant to be overwhelmed. It’s my prayer for you that you find rhythms, routines, and simple ways to overcome the overwhelm so that you can live in abundance.

Leave me a comment below to tell me what’s saving your sanity right now!

Blessings from my toolbox to yours,


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